
ALWAYS Use Protection

ALWAYS Use Protection! “Something Is Always Better Than Nothing…” I get it! some people are hyper-vigilant with their PPE. Some aren’t. I think these “masks”, &/or some type of facial protection and increased hygiene practices, ARE HERE TO STAY!! There are many people, me included*, who have used fabric coverings for outdoor athletic pursuits […]


Immunity Right now we are all HYPER focused on our immunity. For those of us with compromised immunity, this is nothing new but you’re probably ramping up efforts even more. I thought it’d be a good opportunity to discuss some positive (& proven) immunity tips The more you can “prime” your system, the better protected […]

Workout from Home!

Workout from Home! So… THIS just happened: Toning class with special kitty guest stars!! Since no one could agree upon the best time for class, I decided to record one and let you do it at YOUR convenience!! What does this mean? No one will be able to see you. You can take a break. […]